Full Moon Musings

I’ve decided to start up this little “feature” every Full Moon, which I suppose will be a all-purpose post that will include anything and everything that springs to mind that hasn’t already been written about in a previous post or that will be explored further in future posts.

So firstly, inspired by something I read on another blog (House of Vines I believe), I want to try and consider Hekate’s epithets individually from both historical and personal perspectives.

I’ve also got a couple of craft projects in the pipeline which I hope to post pics and info about as they get started (hopefully during this week).

This Full Moon, I was away visiting my parent’s in Cornwall. I spent the day with my partner, Darren, in Boscastle where I enjoyed a walk around and spent some time sitting up by the cliffs in the high and bracing winds, watching the crashing waves as the sun came out. This short period struck me as the Earth, Sky and Sea aspect of Hekate and mentally I envisioned myself up on the highest, most precarious clifftop, calling out to Hekate.

After a mooch about the Museum of Witchcraft (one of my favourite places), a little retail therapy and a hot pasty we came home where I could prepare to mark the Harvest Moon.

When I started my Full Moon Ritual, not a single second after lighting the main Hekate candle did dogs start barking and the clouds parted to reveal a radiant silver orb; the light filtering through the skylight window. Offerings of incense, wine, grapes, olives and an egg left me with a sense of balance and the divination that followed also reflected this and hinted at the start of a new cycle.

I feel that interesting things are afoot…